Friday, April 24, 2015

How does AcceleDent work?

Have you ever wondered how your orthodontist can get teeth to move through bones to create a new smile? Well, when force is applied to your teeth, it causes bone cells to mobilize around the root of the tooth, allowing it to move through the bone. Your braces create a force strong enough to move your teeth into position with each adjustment.

To help your teeth move faster, Dr. Campbell has introduced a new orthodontic appliance called AcceleDent to work with your treatment plan. Stimulating the roots of your teeth with a gentle force, AcceleDent works with your braces to speed up your treatment time.

For approximately 20 minutes, lightly hold AcceleDent between your teeth while it pulses. This vibration encourages the movement of your teeth through the bone, creating a better, faster patient experience. 

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