Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Meet Dr. Campbell

Meet Dr Campbell of Campbell Orthodontics

1        When did you first decide to become an orthodontist?
I first decided to become an orthodontist in high school when I myself had braces.  My orthodontist “planted a seed” in my head that orthodontics was something I may want to pursue.

2        What is the best part of your day?
The best part of my day is then morning time when I am putting on full sets of braces.  It is challenging to put the braces on in the exact right spot and makes me feel like I am setting the foundation for a great orthodontic case.

3        Did you wear braces growing up? If yes, describe your experience.
I did wear braces for about 28 months.  I had an impacted canine in my palate (which is something I see every day in my practice now) that needed to be surgically uncovered so that the orthodontist could move it to the proper position.

4        What is your favorite movie of all time and why?
My favorite movie of all time is probably Star Wars: Episode V, the Empire Strikes Back…I don’t think I can explain why I like it so much, I just do!  I’ve probably seen it 50 times or so!

5        Do you have any pets?
My family has a small dog…a miniature dachshund.  He is black and tan and his name is Leroy.

6        What is your favorite hobby?
I have two favorite hobbies:  golf and snow skiing.

7        Give us three words to describe your family.
Three words to describe my family… hmmmmm:    “Small but smiling!”

8        Would you share a random fact about yourself?
I stopped wearing a watch about 6 months ago…now I always find myself asking my wife what time it is.

9        Name something about the William H Craig Race for Life that people should know.
The William H. Craig Race for Life is a fun, low-key, family friendly 5k run that is great for first timers and seasoned runners.

10     What is your favorite spot in Wilmington to visit?
I would probably have to say that my current favorite spot (and most frequently visited) is the Cheer Infinity cheer gym.  My daughter has really taken to competitive cheering and, because of that, I find myself there often!

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